You love them both –– we get it –– but if at times you feel like enjoying of a pet-friendly green space is close to impossible, you want to keep reading.

After going through a global pandemic, pets became our main source of companionship, sanity and even joy. Plants, on the other hand, turned into a refuge –– our connection to the outside world.
Dogs and cats are professional scratchers and chewers, which is not pleasant for your plants and can be toxic for them. But no worries, they can safely coexist. Let's us share our leaves and paws survival tips.
🐾 Do your research
Always check if a plant is safe around animals. But even if plants are non-toxic, they could present choking hazards or cause injuries if fallen on your pets.
🐾 Create a barrier
Designate areas for your plants, preferably out of your pet's reach. Hanging pots and gardening beds are cute and can help keep your plants safe. Oh, and don't forget to create a barrier between your pet and the soil. As pet owners ourselves, we quickly learned that cats love to dig holes and dogs bury treasures.
🐾 Keep your pets busy
When we took our kitten to the vet for the first time, the technician told us to ensure our cat had enough stimulation throughout the day (toys and playtime). Boredom tends to ignite curiosity, and your cat's choice of entertainment activities might not be the most convenient for you, your plants, or your house.
If you suspect your pet is sick or may have consumed something that could've been toxic, contact your veterinary ASAP or the APCC 24-hour emergency poison hotline at 1-888-426-4435.
To download the ASPCA's printable lists of toxic and non-toxic plants click here.
Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash